Content Marketing Agency Malaysia
You must have heard about content marketing and how it helps with search engine ranking, social media engagement, and perhaps, even how it can bring about better ROI for your advertising campaigns by now. But here, at RA Marketing, we always go the distance because here’s how we do it.
- Content Audit
- Build and create inspiring, valuable, memorable, entertaining, and potentially viral content
- Control your audience
- Ensure that content addresses buyers' concerns and answers their questions
- Align your content with your brand
- Create a sales funnel and improve lead generation
- Strategically utilize creative materials as lead magnets
- Promote your content online
- Nurture your leads
- Optimize On-Page SEO
- Social Media promotion for your content

The goal of using content marketing services is to do more than just churning out content after content that your readers and audience are not going to read. We have enough of that everywhere on the Internet. The reality is that search engines pay close attention to the reactions and engagement rates every piece of content generates amongst its viewers. When it comes to content marketing services, Malaysia is still lagging behind in creating enticing, interesting, and reader-friendly content, be it blog posts or videos.
We must care about making REAL connections with REAL people; otherwise, we’re wasting both time and money. The first order of the day should be this: how do we get into the heads of your consumers. Good content marketing services include bringing on copywriters and storytellers, branding experts, videographers, graphic designers to craft messages and content that are exactly what your customers are looking for.
The Internet is a smorgasbord of information and data. It is also a dumping ground for outdated or keyword-overstuffed content that is of no interest to your customers. The real type of content marketing services you should invest in is one that understands your customers, maps and schedules the content, and guides your users in their quest for accurate information, products, or services.
Think of each piece of your content as a salesperson in a retail outlet or handing out brochures in a mall. It’s hard work trying to convince people to pay attention, much less close the sale. As a content marketing agency in Malaysia, we’re well aware of the fact that consumers on the Internet are savvy and view advertisements with a side-eye. That is why you need content marketing services that:
Educate Your Readers
Build Awareness
Create Loyalty
Entertain Your Social Media Followers
Help Search Engines Understand Your Business
Keep Your Audience Informed
Cement your standing in the market as a thought leader
Answer all questions your prospects may have about your services or products
Establish your company as one that puts customers first
These are things that just about any salesperson does on an everyday basis! This time, digital content does the same, only in a different format. RA Marketing can help finetune your content marketing strategies in Malaysia by creating bigger waves with each piece of content. The goal is to make as big an impact as possible, retain your viewers, convert site visitors into customers, reduce bounce rate, establish your brand as an industry leader, and increase the number of repeat visitors.
Creating content might sound simple - an article or quick video tutorial that your admin staff can whip out. But doing this can backfire. Remember, things on the internet STAYS on the internet. Using content marketing services, you control your brand narrative intently.
What we do is conduct research, competitor analysis, keyword research, dive into trends, dig into data, and mine the internet for info about your target market. Before we create your content, we dive into:
1. What kind of information are your customers looking for?
2. What are they curious about today?
3. Have they changed their minds about using your products or services?
4. Why did they leave your website/content after only 30 seconds on your video or article?
5. What are your competitors doing/offering?
6. What kind of relationship do your prospects want to have with you?
7. Do they trust you? If not (yet), why?

Content marketing services help your customers sift through the minefield of information to find you, trust you because you deliver quality content, establish you as a reliable source of information, and stay on your consumers’ minds long after they’ve exited your social media page or website. To go beyond merely content creation, RA Marketing creates content that complements your lead generation efforts. In exchange for the information you’ve provided your website visitors, we want them to willingly share information (social media profiles, emails, or phone numbers) with you. That’s a highly valuable targeted prospect!
Content marketing has to be done in a strategic, timely, intentional, and targeted manner. It also takes time to develop a working strategy, what with the need for consistent tests, experiments, and measuring. The cost of using Content Marketing Services depends on how deep the dive is going to be. Does it involve development, reassessment, and restructuring of the entire website/blog, SEO and SEM plans, and the schedule?
The price range can be anything between the thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. The cost of the plan also depends on the kind of content creation and development included in the content marketing services package. What RA Marketing strongly urges our readers and customers to do is to be cautious who to work with because one wrong move on the Internet can have a long-lasting effect. So, whatever money you’re paying for the content marketing services in Malaysia, be diligent in picking the right people.
We know you looking for a reliable, competent, responsible, and transparent Malaysian marketing agency to help you shape out the right content marketing strategy. RA Marketing helps you optimize manpower and budget, going beyond helping you rank well for wish-list keywords on search engines but to also establish a strong foothold in your industry. The best things about using reliable, professional content marketing services in Malaysia is that you cut through all the fluff stuff and get to the real thing. The real benefits of using content marketing solutions are:
We’ve proven our mettle as a reliable and consistent content marketing agency throughout our years in business. Our clients take heart in the fact that we take their businesses very seriously. We believe success for our clients equals growth for us. You can count on us to deliver top-notch quality content marketing solutions and services whether you’re in the B2C or B2B market. Our experience includes moving brick-and-mortar businesses online from scratch and helping them build strong followings. Some of our clients include Tesco, DuitNow, PetPet, TongHai, Easi, Sharing Babyland, Acro Data, Sunshine Kingdom, Pixies Print and many more.
Flexibility, focus on customer service, attentive, committed, and completely immersed in the world of digital marketing, choosing RA Marketing as your strategic partner for content marketing in Malaysia could be the best decision you’ll make for your business. Digital marketing experts will always be just a phone call, email, or message away. Chasing after the latest best-practices and digital trends is our job. We are absolutely passionate about helping our clients climb to the top and stand out from the rest! Get in touch with us today!